# CKEDITOR (use builder: http://ckeditor.com/builder); upload build-config.js OR: + select "full" distribution Add plugins: + plugin sourcedialog + plugin tableresize Remove plugins: - About CKEditor - Clipboard - Content Templates - File Browser - Flash Dialog - Form Elements - Insert Smiley - Magic Line - Maximize - New Page - Preview - Print - Save - SpellCheckAsYouType (SCAYT) Delete: samples/ # EXT JS needed components: \build\ext-all.js \build\ext-all-debug.js \build\classic\theme-triton \build\classic\locale \packages\ux\classic\src => ux \packages\build\charts\classic\ => packages\charts\classic (only JS) \packages\build\charts\classic\triton\ copy over ext\classic\theme-triton + OpenSans Fonts from the installation package have been modified since they need the 'embed' flag for IE11 # styling (see commit 8.9.2015 - rev. 4f2d49a8f567fb1b7978022f644a748a9e0b6afb) #5fa2dd => #3c3f41 #eaeff4 => #e4e4e4 #7fb5e4 => #3c3f41 # fixes the problem with font-rendering in chrome (gray instead of black) fonts/OpenSans-LightItalic.ttf => fonts/OpenSans-Italic.ttf fonts/OpenSans-Light.ttf => fonts/OpenSans-Regular.ttf