# Doctrine Database Migrations ## Status [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/doctrine/migrations.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/doctrine/migrations) [![Dependency Status](https://www.versioneye.com/php/doctrine:migrations/badge.svg)](https://www.versioneye.com/php/doctrine:migrations/) [![Scrutinizer Code Quality](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/doctrine/migrations/badges/quality-score.png?b=master)](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/doctrine/migrations/?branch=master) [![Code Coverage](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/doctrine/migrations/badges/coverage.png?b=master)](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/doctrine/migrations/?branch=master) ## Official Documentation All available documentation can be found [here](http://docs.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-migrations/en/latest/). The repository containing the documentation is [there](https://github.com/doctrine/migrations-documentation). ## Working with Doctrine Migrations ### Using the integration of your framework * [Symfony](https://packagist.org/packages/doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle) * [ZF2](https://packagist.org/packages/doctrine/doctrine-orm-module) * [laravel](https://packagist.org/packages/laravel-doctrine/migrations) * [Silex](https://packagist.org/packages/kurl/silex-doctrine-migrations-provider) * [Silex](https://packagist.org/packages/dbtlr/silex-doctrine-migrations) * [nette](https://packagist.org/packages/zenify/doctrine-migrations) * others... ### Using composer ```composer require doctrine/migrations``` ### Downloading the latest phar release You can download the [doctrine migrations phar](https://github.com/doctrine/migrations/releases) directly on the release page ### Building Your own Phar Make sure Composer and all necessary dependencies are installed: ```bash curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php php composer.phar install ``` Make sure that the Box project is installed: ```bash curl -LSs http://box-project.github.io/box2/installer.php | php ``` Build the PHAR archive: ```bash php box.phar build ``` The `doctrine-migrations.phar` archive is built in the `build` directory. #### Creating archive disabled by INI setting If you receive an error that looks like: creating archive "build/doctrine-migrations.phar" disabled by INI setting This can be fixed by setting the following in your php.ini: ```ini ; http://php.net/phar.readonly phar.readonly = Off ``` ## Installing Dependencies To install dependencies run a composer update: ```composer update``` ## symfony 2.3 users Doctrine migration need the doctrine/orm 2.4, you need to [update your composer.json](https://github.com/symfony/symfony-standard/blob/v2.3.28/composer.json#L12) to the last version of it for symfony 2.3. That version is compatible with the doctrine/orm 2.4 and there are [very little upgrade needed](https://github.com/doctrine/doctrine2/blob/master/UPGRADE.md#upgrade-to-24). ## Running the unit tests To run the tests, you need the sqlite extension for php. On Unix-like systems, install: - php5-sqlite On Windows, enable the extension by uncommenting the following lines in php.ini ``` extension = php_pdo_sqlite.dll extension = php_sqlite3.dll extension_dir = ext ``` Running the tests from the project root: ``` ./vendor/bin/phpunit ``` On Windows run phpunit from the full path ``` php vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit ``` This appears to be some bug. Happy testing :-)