# Upgrade Notes ![upgrade](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/700119/31535145-3c01a264-affa-11e7-8d86-f04c33571f65.png) *** After every update you should check the pimcore extension manager. Just click the "update" button or execute the migration command to finish the bundle update. #### Update from Version 3.2.0 to Version 3.2.1 - **[NEW FEATURE]**: Pimcore 6.5 ready #### Update from Version 3.1.x to Version 3.2.0 - **[NEW FEATURE]**: Pimcore 6.4 ready - **[NEW FEATURE]**: Make Honeypot field optional [@ihmels](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/167) - **[NEW FEATURE]**: Allow global copy/paste of fields from form to form [@albertmueller](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/pull/207) - **[NEW FEATURE]**: Allow specific honeypot config [#212](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/212) - **[NEW FEATURE]**: Implement reCAPTCHA v3 Field [#165](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/165) - **[NEW FEATURE]**: Allow passing custom options in Twig- or Controller-Forms [#208](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/208) - **[BUGFIX]**: Fix (multiple) dynamic choice data mapping [#205](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/205) #### Update from Version 3.0.x to Version 3.1.0 - **[NEW FEATURE]**: Pimcore 6.3.0 ready #### Update from Version 3.0.4 to Version 3.0.5 - **[BUGFIX]**: Check if checkbox configuration is available #### Update from Version 3.0.3 to Version 3.0.4 - **[BUGFIX]**: [TRACKER] Check `window.dataLayer` #### Update from Version 3.0.x to Version 3.0.3 - **[NEW FEATURE]**: Date-fields support choice for usage of html5 date-type - **[BUGFIX]**: Fix dynamic choice type service detection #### Update from Version 3.0.x to Version 3.0.2 - **[NEW FEATURE]**: [Tracker Extension](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/183) - [Milestone](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/milestone/23?closed=1) #### Update from Version 2.x to Version 3.0.0 - **[NEW FEATURE]**: Pimcore 6.0.0 ready - **[BC BREAK]**: All Controllers are registered as services now! (Also check your email controller definition!) - **[ATTENTION]**: All `href`, `multihref` elements has been replaced by `relation`, `relations` *** FormBuilder 2.x Upgrade Notes: https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/blob/2.7/UPGRADE.md