# Pimcore FormBuilder [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/pimcore/pimcore](https://img.shields.io/gitter/room/pimcore/pimcore.svg?style=flat-square)](https://gitter.im/pimcore/pimcore) [![Software License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-GPLv3-brightgreen.svg?style=flat-square)](LICENSE.md) [![Latest Release](https://img.shields.io/packagist/v/dachcom-digital/formbuilder.svg?style=flat-square)](https://packagist.org/packages/dachcom-digital/formbuilder) [![Scrutinizer](https://img.shields.io/scrutinizer/g/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder.svg?style=flat-square)](https://www.scrutinizer-ci.com/g/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder) [![Travis](https://img.shields.io/travis/com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/master.svg?style=flat-square)](https://travis-ci.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder) [![PhpStan](https://img.shields.io/badge/PHPStan-level%202-brightgreen.svg?style=flat-square)](#) ![FormBuilder](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/700119/48312098-066fee80-e5aa-11e8-97d4-02fcfdf4e51e.png) ### Release Plan | Release | Supported Pimcore Versions | Supported Symfony Versions | Release Date | Maintained | Branch | |---------|-----------------------------------|----------------------------|--------------|----------------|------------| | **3.x** | `6.0` - `6.5` | `3.4`, `^4.0` | 17.07.2019 | Feature Branch | dev-master | | **2.7** | `5.4`, `5.5`, `5.6`, `5.7`, `5.8` | `3.4` | 27.06.2019 | Bugfix only | 2.7 | | **1.5** | `4.0` | -- | 18.03.2017 | Unsupported | pimcore4 | ## Installation ```json "require" : { "dachcom-digital/formbuilder" : "~3.2.0" } ``` ### Installation via Extension Manager After you have installed the FormBuilder Bundle via composer, open pimcore backend and go to `Tools` => `Extension`: - Click the green `+` Button in `Enable / Disable` row - Click the green `+` Button in `Install/Uninstall` row ### Installation via CommandLine After you have installed the FormBuilder Bundle via composer: - Execute: `$ bin/console pimcore:bundle:enable FormBuilderBundle` - Execute: `$ bin/console pimcore:bundle:install FormBuilderBundle` ## Upgrading ### Upgrading via Extension Manager After you have updated the FormBuilder Bundle via composer, open pimcore backend and go to `Tools` => `Extension`: - Click the green `+` Button in `Update` row ### Upgrading via CommandLine After you have updated the FormBuilder Bundle via composer: - Execute: `$ bin/console pimcore:bundle:update FormBuilderBundle` ### Migrate via CommandLine Does actually the same as the update command and preferred in CI-Workflow: - Execute: `$ bin/console pimcore:migrations:migrate -b FormBuilderBundle` ## Usage ![](http://g.recordit.co/39nEX5OhQK.gif) 1. Go to `Settings` => `Form Builder Settings` and create your form (Be sure your [spam protection](docs/03_SpamProtection.md) is covered!). 2. Open a document and place the form area brick like any other bricks via drag and drop. 3. Use the edit button at the right top corner to configure your form. Also make sure you've included the [flash template](docs/11_SuccessMessage.md#flash-messages-implementation) if you want to have some success messages after a redirect. It's also possible to render a form via Twig or even within a controller method. [Click here](docs/0_Usage.md) to learn more about the form rendering types. ## Overriding Templates Nothing to tell here, it's just [Symfony](https://symfony.com/doc/current/templating/overriding.html) standard. ## Further Information - [SPAM Protection (Honeypot, reCAPTCHA)](docs/03_SpamProtection.md) - [Usage (Rendering Types, Configuration)](docs/0_Usage.md) - [Backend Administration of Forms](docs/01_BackendUsage.md) - [Export Forms](docs/02_ExportForms.md) - [Mail Template Configuration](docs/10_MailTemplates.md) - [Mail Editor (new!)](docs/11_1_MailEditor.md) - [Success Messages](docs/11_SuccessMessage.md) - [Mail Submission Types (html/plain-text)](docs/12_MailSubmissionTypes.md) - [Output Transformer (new!)](docs/13_OutputTransformer.md) - [Dynamic Fields](docs/20_AjaxForms.md) - [Available Form Types](docs/30_FormTypes.md) - [Dynamic Choice Type](docs/82_DynamicChoice.md) - [Dynamic Multi File Type](docs/80_FileUpload.md) - [Container Type](docs/83_ContainerType.md) - [Create Custom Form Type](docs/40_CustomFormType.md) - [Custom Form Type Backend Layout](docs/50_CustomFormTypeBackendLayout.md) - [Form Presets](docs/60_Presets.md) - [Events](docs/70_Events.md) - [Custom Fields with Events](docs/71_CustomFields.md) - [Mastering File Uploads](docs/80_FileUpload.md) - [Conditional Logic](docs/81_ConditionalLogic.md) - [Form & Field Attributes](docs/83_Attributes.md) - [Frontend Tips](docs/90_FrontendTips.md) - [FormBuilder Javascript Plugins](docs/91_Javascript.md) - [Configuration Flags](docs/100_ConfigurationFlags.md) ## Upgrade Info Before updating, please [check our upgrade notes!](UPGRADE.md) ## Copyright and license Copyright: [DACHCOM.DIGITAL](http://dachcom-digital.ch) For licensing details please visit [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md)