services: # default configuration for services in *this* file _defaults: # automatically injects dependencies in your services autowire: true # automatically registers your services as commands, event subscribers, etc. autoconfigure: true # this means you cannot fetch services directly from the container via $container->get() # if you need to do this, you can override this setting on individual services public: false #website.optionsprovider: # class: AppBundle\Tool\OptionsProvider # public: true # Example custom templating helper # AppBundle\Templating\Helper\Example: # # templating helpers need to be public as they # # are fetched from the container on demand # public: true # tags: # - { name: templating.helper, alias: fooBar } # Example event listener for objects # AppBundle\EventListener\TestListener: # tags: # - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: pimcore.dataobject.preUpdate, method: onObjectPreUpdate } # --------------------------------------------------------- # Register all commands of AppBundle as commands # --------------------------------------------------------- AppBundle\Command\: resource: '../../src/AppBundle/Command' tags: ['console.command']