France 1500:
The Pictorial Arts at the Dawn of the Renaissance

Joel Oppenheimer, Inc.
Wrigley Building
410 North Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL  60611

tel: 312-642-5300

Tuesday, April 12, 2011 to Saturday, April 23, 2011

Monday to Satureday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm

Visit the virtual exhibition

Order the catalogue
Catalogue 15, France 1500: The Pictorial Arts at the Dawn of the Renaissance, by Sandra Hindman and Ariane Bergeron-Foote, 164 pp., 53 descriptions, 74 color illustrations, 30 €

Download order form US | Europe

Special Events
To be announced

Download Press Packet

Image Sheet Description of the Exhibition
Public Relations, Contact
Susan Bishopric

+33 1 42 60 15 58